Decatur Main Street

Decatur Main Street promotes and stimulates the downtown economy by orienting people to the downtown district, targeting diverse audiences and consumers, and highlighting different downtown venues.

Promoting business growth, events, and quality of life in Downtown Decatur

Decatur Main Street

Decatur Main Street Mission Statement

Encourage infill development and reuse of vacant buildings while maintaining the proper balance of land uses for a healthy environment and stable economy without sacrificing the community's character or burdening the city's resources.

Decatur Main Street promotes and stimulates the downtown economy by orienting people to the downtown district, targeting diverse audiences and consumers, and highlighting different downtown venues.

Downtown Promotion

  • Orienting people to the downtown district
  • Targeting diverse audiences & consumers
  • Highlighting different downtown venues
  • Support local business and promote the downtown business district
  • Downtown events and promotion
  • Direct investment in downtown improvements and revitalization
  • Regional and National promotion

Membership Benefits

  • Events and promotions that bring visitors to downtown
  • Immediate info: downtown projects, properties, meetings, and events
  • A partnership to create a thriving downtown in Decatur for future generations
  • Information sent to email supporters
  • Access to Facebook followers
  • FREE monthly newsletter sent to diverse audiences
  • Having a 'Main Street' organization earns points on State grants
  • Access to National network of Main Street organizations and funding

Board of Directors

The Decatur Main Street Board of Directors meets the 3rd Thursday of every month at the Chamber Office. Main Street committees include: Design, Economic Vitality, Organization, and Promotion. Meetings are open to the public!

Board of Directors

President - Max Miller - Famous Monster Pizza 
Vice-President - Nick Rumschlag - Nick Rumschlag State Farm Insurance 
Secretary - Kelly Ehinger - Adams Public Library System
Treasurer - Linda Morris - Decatur Chamber of Commerce
Executive Director - Craig Coshow
Members -

Abby Bird - Vienna Spa & Salon 

Kim Brandt - Individual

Jamie Gephart - City of Decatur 

Louise Ray - LLC Properties 

Kelly Roby - Fitness Delivered 

Eric Schevenius - The Old 27 Ice Cream Shop

Emily Sovine - Beyond Words Pediatric Speech Therapy

Kim Tombley - Adams Health Network

Karie Vrablic - The Java Bean Cafe 

Administrative Assistant - Mike Garza